Now is the optimum time to invest in solar
In the past, most renewable energy was an “idea for the future” that fiscally concerned organizations could not participate. In 2022, an almost perfect storm of timing, incentive programs, lowered costs, and funding mechanisms have made this the optimum time to address solar and other renewable generation systems. The time is now.
We allow schools to have an advantage
- Ground mounted and rooftop solar installations are the most cost effective installations, require less permitting, and schools often have both in large supply.
- Solar power is best consumed during the day without having to save the power in storage, and schools operate mostly during the same sunlight hours.
- Schools normally can’t take the tax incentives of renewable clean energy generation, but our exclusive GCE “Energy for Education” program allows schools to take advantage of all the incentives and then some.
- The reduced cost of the project with tax incentives makes it so you can actually receive clean solar energy not at a higher price than standard, but actually less expensive than your standard utility rate.
We use the solar and renewable energy for purpose
- Schools can use the solar and renewable energy for educational purposes.
- Schools are in a leadership position in the community.
- Schools value attracting new students and having renewable energy is a way to set your schools apart.
We allow schools to have a sustainable energy practice
With no money out of pocket, a school can have millions of dollars invested into an energy project through our “Energy for Education” development program. This program, “Energy for Education” allows schools committed to sustainable energy practices to have access to this energy generation program without paying for the project upfront or dealing with the liability of managing the solar array.
We aim to help communities
Our focus is to truly help your community become sustainable and independent from the grid. We are looking to help communities that are truly invested in wanting clean energy and all of its benefits.
We pay and manage the entire development
Solar is complicated, and it requires:
- Months of preparation
- Engineering, audits, evaluations
- Environmental studies
- Permits
- Work with the utility company
- Applications to several government entities
- Constant project management
- Up-front costs from $60-100K+
GCE pays for, and manages the entire development process with no money out of pocket to the school.