Program Overview

Our Solutions

We Create Energy Solutions for Schools and Communities

guaranteed clean energy

Public Sector Energy Solutions

guaranteed clean energy

School Energy Solutions

GCE and the Client together

We provide the engineering, planning, and financial system

GCE is an energy advisor that provides the engineering, planning, and financial system so that your organization can invest in energy projects with guaranteed results. Insight is everything. Energy projects strategically designed (by GCE and the client together) maximize the use of resources and funds. It feels different when you can trust the company working on your energy project, and that communication and clarity mean everything to the long-term success of your projects. You reap the benefits of energy improvements, save your capital to grow your organization, all through a self-performing energy asset.

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Our Specialty

GCE works with both public and private organizations. Our specialty is to work with institutional clients such as schools systems, municipalities, and private universities.

Energy Strategy

A holistic energy approach to finding immediate impact and long-term value.

3 main concerns

We focus on alleviate the 3 main concerns

The focus is to alleviate the 3 main concerns for energy efficiency and generation projects:

By focusing on value and investing in energy efficiency and generation, the GCE system creates a WIN, WIN, WIN, scenario for building owners, workers, and clean energy.

Community Stewardship

We design a holistic project that includes all of your energy systems


We pay for and manage the entire development

Our clients appreciate that we operate on behalf of their interest, maintaining the “power of information” so they remain in the driver’s seat. The funding strategy is nice, but once you know you have the costs covered the most important part of the system is driving home value. GCE takes multiple steps to give you the customer the greatest impact by having a specialist on your team.

GCE pays for, and manages the entire development process with no money out of pocket to the school.

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Community Stewardship

We use the solar and renewable energy for purpose

GCE funding is available for energy savings projects that show “definitive and calculated engineered savings,” with the main focus that they are “financially positive” over a set time, including:

GCE designs projects that pay for themselves 100%, with no up-front cash payment* and GUARANTEES a positive financial return DAY 1.

GCE clients include commercial, industrial, and both public and private institutions. The minimum requirement is 50,000 square feet to invest in a total project’s energy efficiency.